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Board of Selectmen Minutes 03/03/2010
Town of Buxton
Minutes for March 3, 2010 Selectmen’s Meeting

Prepared by:  Dianne Senechal

Members Present:  Jean C. Harmon, Daniel T. Collomy, Linda W. Pulsoni and Peter E. W. Burns.  Robert C. Libby was absent.

Others Present:  M. Grovo and Representative Hunt

Selectmen’s Meeting Agenda
  • Call to Order
The Meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m.

Special guest Sheriff Ouellette was present with Sergeant Hayes of the York County Sherriff Department.  Special recognition was given to Officers Brislin, Rappold and Emery for service above and beyond the call of duty.  There was a burglary in Limington and firearms were stolen.  The case involved crack cocaine and the user was apprehended and our officers were part of the investigation.

  • Pledge of Allegiance

  • Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes

  • Discussion held between 5:00 & 7:00 p.m.
Police Chief Grovo introduced a possible new Reserve Officer.
Sheridan Bennett gave an update on storm damages and hopefully FEMA money will be available.
Penny Booker – discussed budgets and volunteered for Appeals Board.

  • Review of Correspondence
  • Weekly Legislative Bulletin published by Maine Municipal Association
  • Email from Marian Alexandre – Re:  York County Advocacy Group Meeting
  • Email from MMA – Re:  MMA’s Technology Conference
  • Email from Judy Weymouth – Thanking Public Works for Farm Signs
  • Email from John Myers – Re: LD 195 – An Act to Base the Excise Tax on Vehicles on a Percentage of the MRSP
  • Email from Sharon Leahy-Lind – Re:  Maine CDC/DHHS Public Health Update
  • Email from Sharon Leahy-Lind – Re:  State Health Plan Forum April 7, 2010
  • Email from Janice Tevanian – Re:  Maine Brownfields Conference 2010
  • Email from Vicky Edgerly – Re:  Keeping Neighbors Warm Annual Fundraising Event
  • 2010 Census Messages

  • Review of Projects and Issues
Selectman Pulsoni reported she had been around town reviewing the storm damage and looked at Spruce Swamp Road to see where it washed away.  A large tractor trailer truck got stuck beside the road on Route 22.  The Selectmen held a workshop on budgets on Monday night.

Selectman Collomy reported the roof at the old Town Garage leaks badly.  Chet had helped block off the louvers on the Town Hall to stop leakage.

Selectman Burns reported that he went to the Saco River Cable Meeting Thursday night.  He stated that the Town needs to make a wish list of what needs are for the Cable Franchise.  The Agreement will be for 10 years.  The Agreement and negotiations need to be done by June 30th.  The Town needs a Cable Ordinance for the Town and also maps.

Selectman Harmon reported the DOT hearing on Route 112 was held Thursday night.  There was a good turnout, mostly Buxton residents.  The map on the wall is Route 112 from Thibedeau’s.  Proposed work is scheduled to begin in the Spring of 2011.  There is preliminary work that needs to be completed before the actual rebuild can begin.  The whole road will be torn up in sections.  The re-work is to try to improve the visibility, curves and the grade of the road.  The next Meeting will be held in Buxton.  Weymouth Park is a ‘protected resource’ and no pavement will be taken by the park.

There was major storm damage on Thursday and all Departments worked well.  A lot of damage at Pleasant Point Park.  Trees were uprooted due to saturated ground.  Simpson Road was closed at both ends.  Emergency vehicles could not get through.  The public was encourage to take road blocks seriously.

  • Old Business
Water Quality Issue – Fred is working on

Antenna at Buxton Center – Chief Grovo is working on.

Internal Control Document – Will try to finish up next week.

Designated Smoking Areas – Needs to be typed.

  • New Business
We have flyers for composters and we will take orders.
Peter Burns will talk to David Pinkham about how the new generator is working.

  • Executive Orders
E.O.091003003 – An order to approve an Application for Veteran Exemption for (Map 7, Lot 62-1).  Approved 4-0-1

E.O.091003004 – An order to approve David Pinkham’s and Michael Pulsoni’s attendance to a Work Zone Traffic Control Workshop.  Approved 4-0-1.

  • Executive Orders by Initiative
E.O.091003005 – An order to appoint Penny Booker to the Board of Appeals effective until December 2012.  Approved 4-0-1.

  • Accounts Payable and Payroll Warrants
E.O.091003001 – An order approving expenditures as documented in Accounts Payable Warrant #36-10.  Approved 4-0-1.

E.O.091003002 – An order approving expenditures as documented in Payroll Warrant
#36-10.  Approved 4-0-1.

  • Next Meeting of the Board
Selectmen’s Meeting Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Charter Commission Meeting Thursday, March 11, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.
Planning Board Meeting Monday, March 8, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Budget Committee Meeting Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.
        Selectmen’s Workshop, March 9, 2010 at 6:00 p.m.

  • Other Business

  • Public Comments and Questions
Chief Grovo reported on the storm and the damage that was done.

Representative Hunt spoke about the Route 112 project.  He stated that the economic picture at the state level is getting a little better.  Some money is coming back to revenue sharing and education.  The State budget is starting to come together.  Representative Hunt is looking for feedback on the salt water fish license.  He can be reached at 756-5476.

Selectman Burns asked Representative Hunt how he voted on LD195.  Representative Hunt said he had to look it up, but he thought he voted against it.

  • Executive Session

  • Adjournment
Motion made and seconded to adjourn the Meeting at 8:12 p.m.  Approved 4-0-1.